Interior designer Meghan Jay's 1890 Queen Anne Victorian family home set within Chicago's historic district.

Our Design Diaries – Sometimes Unglamorous, Forever Fun.

Discover practical home design tips, personal renovation stories, and recollections of successful vintage shopping trips to inspire you to live a more vibrant life. 


As an interior designer based in Chicago, working with clients to transform their homes brings me so much joy. Discover how I’m flexing my creative skills and furthering my knowledge in my own space.

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Interior designer Meghan Jay's 1890 Queen Anne Victorian family home set within Chicago's historic district.

The Collected Victorian

My Personal Journey of Restoring Our Victorian Home: Part One

As an interior designer based in Chicago, working with clients to transform their homes brings me so much joy. Discover how I’m flexing my creative skills and furthering my knowledge in my own space.


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Our Top 12
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Here’s to Colorful Interiors That Tell Your Story

We’ve likely said enough. Are you ready for vibrant surroundings that speak volumes about who you are, what you collect, and where you’ve traveled?